Make a Tax-Deductible Donation

You can help us bring hope to hurting hearts! Donations are used to offset Renée’s on-going medical attendant care, pay for part-time office staff and disability-related travel costs. Opportunities to support include:

Questions? Please call 800-795-5757 or email

I would like to donate:

  • $25
  • $50
  • $100
  • $500
  • $1,000. I pledge to be a part of Bondi Ministries' Legacy Donation Campaign of $1,000 once a year to help offset Renée's daily caregiving costs.

  • Indicate your individual donation amount here

I would like to make this a monthly donation

Make a one time $1,000 donation

Make a quarterly donation of $250

Make a monthly donation of $83.33


Select the specific program or fund from the list below to designate how you would like your donation used.

Dedicate my Donation

In honor of:

OR in memory of:

Comments (optional)

Thank you!

Personal Information

Credit Card Information

(on back of card, if AMEX on front of card)

Once submitted there are no refunds or cancelations.