Sorry I’ve been off the map for a while! A combination of a few things, really. I’ve been
trying to analyze why I’m just not consistent in the world of blogging. It seems it’s always placed on the back burner as other things get pushed to the front. Today I was finally able to analyze where the time goes and much to my “gosh, I guess I really am quadriplegic” dismay, I have to accept the fact that it takes me much longer than the average Jane to get up in the morning. Even though I’m super healthy, the fact is it takes time to do my minor medical care, showering, transferring from my shower chair, have my attendant dress me, then up into power wheelchair I go.
After that my attendant brushes my teeth, puts a little makeup on (a must), dries my hair and into the kitchen we go for breakfast. While nibbling on eggs or whatever, we come up with dinner preparation, open mail, or run an errand or two. By that time it’s 11:00 and I head into our ministry office for meetings. Finally I get time to myself about 1:30.
About 6:00 p.m. my kind, ever-serving mother of 92 yrs. old comes to our home for a visit (she lives next door) and to toss the salad so Mike has to do very little when he walks in the door from work about 7:00. 
I share this with you not to make excuses in any way, but rather exposing the analytics of my mind. So there really is only 1:30-6:00 or approximately 4.5 hours each day to be productive which seems like it should be enough – at least in my mind it does. Yes, there’s speaking prep, responding to email, working on songs, peer counseling and checking in on friends all of which takes every bit of that 4.5. But the fact of the matter is, I’m not a big fan of being in front of the computer all afternoon! If I could chat with you over a cup of coffee in my living room, well, we would visit every day!
Here’s the reality – I am relational. I want to hear your voice, see your eyes, touch your knee, feel your spirit – and see how it’s all joined with the Holy Spirit. That’s how I’m wired. That’s how I communicate. The computer is just too one-dimensional for me.
With all of that said, I will indeed try to fit you all in my living room! It may be a virtual living room, but it is still living! So I recommit myself to you, my friends, and hope to chat with you in this virtual living room again, soon! In the meantime, fast from thoughts that weaken and feast on the promises that strengthen. Isaiah 40:29 He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.